

"To commemorate an event or person is to remember them by means of a special action, ceremony, or specially-created object."
There are several ways our parish let's parishioners commemorate a loved one.

Mass Cards

We have a selection of cards available for purchase in the parish office for $10. We will do our best to accommodate date & time requests.

Altar Flowers

Please contact the office to offer altar flowers in memory of a deceased loved one, or special occasion.  The intention will also be placed in the bulletin, costs (tbd).

Mass intentions

Our Parish has an online form, where you can specify your request to have a mass said for a deceased loved one, a healing mass or other special occasion. We will do our best to accommodate date and time requests. The cost is $10.

Father Martin Memorial Engraved Brick Project

 Placed on our Church grounds, these bricks are a great way to honor a special occasions or remember a loved one. Order forms are available in the church, parish office or by contacting Toni Rott 228-8449. Each brick is $40, symbols are $20 extra.

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